Friday 18 April 2008

Italian democracy

The Italians have voted for Berluscioni again, and have a new democratically elected government..They probably suppose that this gives them the right to consider themselves modern Europeans.In my opinion, they should be ejected from the Union...Perhaps we could replace them with Turkey for a trial period, build some cultural bridges while we are at it..If they then started to behave like responsible adult citizens we might consider inviting them back into our Newly forming Superstate once again..
Democracy in Italy was a very expensive gift, fought for and presented to them by Allied soldiers and Italian freedom fighters..Their voters treat this gift with disdain bordering upon contempt..I visited Italy last Summer traveling in our camper with my wife and two boys..We were so happy to cross the border from Switzerland, It was a pleasure to speak with friendly people once again( The Swiss never graced us with a smile, let alone a friendly word).
Italy is such a beautiful place, yet I was amazed how quickly some of the myths expired..The food was dull, in restaurants but especially in Supermarkets..The Religion was very intimidating, the art was pretentious. The thing that Italy should be most famous for apart from its lack of modern culture and its macho drivers is of course its hopeless dependency upon third world Prostitutes who seem to be just about everywhere..

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