Tuesday 16 September 2008

Being freindly

On Saturday afternoon we had long game of tennis. My partner Foxy and I were walking up to the car park when we paused to speak to the owner of an old Rolls Royce..He was chauffeuring at a wedding...He was an interesting man and it was nice to stop and natter on such a sunny day..
As we talked a trout fisherman walked passed and joined in our conversation..He was an interesting fruitcake too, and I think all four of us enjoyed our spontaneous discourse together...
On Sunday we played doubles with my sons...Some Chavs had set up a barbecue and were playing a sweary game of football on the bowling green..I had an anxious moment when an old lady tried to tell them off, they had set fire to a fence a bit..What might I have to do? Have a fight beat up a fifteen year old..Get stabbed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Duesty checks and Fauxsy indeed....on 'Being feindish'
get the spell cheek on....