Friday 5 September 2008

Soggy Little island

The Summer is heading toward a squelchy Autumn, and this weekend is going to be one of steady drizzle...So we are going to hunker down and watch some telly.Read some books...And cook some nice food...
Today was a good start..We had fish cakes with Amaranth and watercress leaves..The dressing though was "Unglaublurlich."..Beetroot n Tahini,,Vibrant beetroot and horseradish cream sweetened with pomegranate molasses...
And tonight Mathew I will be creating a pear, dark chocolate n raspberry frangipane..
Maybe try n squeeze a game of tennis or a bike ride in between downpours...
Is all about low level Ecstasy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice use of the German...
Whats it called when you put another word in the middle of one to make a new one, like
I seem to forget more than I learn.